This is so hard for me
To find the words to say
My thoughts are standing still
Captive inside of me
All emotions start to hide
And nothing’s getting through
Watch me
I’m losing
All my istincts
Falling into darkness
Tear down these walls for me
Stop me from going under
You are the only one who knows I’m
Holding back
It’s not too late for me
To keep from sinking further
I’m trying to find my way out
Tear down these walls for me now
So much uncertainty
I don’t like this feeling
I’m sinking like a stone
Each time I try to speak
There’s a voice I’m hearing
And it changes everything
Watch me
Crawl from
the wreckage
Of my silence
Tear down these walls for me
Stop me from going under
You are the only one who knows I’m
Holding back
It’s not too late for me
To keep from sinking further
I’m trying to find my way out
Tear down these walls
Every time you choose to turn away
Is it worth the price you pay?
Is there someone who will wait for you?
One more time
One more time...
Watch me
I’m losing
All my istincts
Falling into darkness
Tear down these walls for me
Stop me from going under
You are the only one who knows I’m
Holding back
It’s not too late for me
To keep from sinking further
I’m trying to find my way out
Tear down these walls for me now
Tear down these walls for me
It’s not too late for me
Tear down these walls for me.
No, not for me. For you.
[sogno ancora altri concerti da vedere insieme, Nick, io e te a scolarci fusti di birra, a strozzarci il classico concert food - panino salsiccia, cipolla e senape, toh! - adocchiare i tipi interessanti e sfanculare gli sfigati, a fumare come turchi e ballare, cantare, sudare, abbracciarci, pogare, urlare come matti e infine... io che ti lascio lì come un coglione perché stavolta, ti giuro, fuggo col batterista!]
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